Your privacy is very important to us. Personal information is not generally collected when visiting Hoosier Energy’s website. Our web servers and associated systems collect general and standard information such as IP address, browser type, access time, number of hits and traffic volume.
Hoosier Energy reserves the right to use cookies to save user preferences and aggregate data about site traffic and/or site interaction in order to improve user satisfaction with the website. Certain sections of our website may require a contact form. The form may request information such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or other information as appropriate.
Certain sections of the website may require a user account to access additional services or information. Additional personal information may be required to complete the user account creation process. Sending Hoosier Energy email may result in sending personal information, such as name, phone numbers, and/or email addresses.
Hoosier Energy will take reasonable technical and procedural measures to prevent the loss of any personal information. Hoosier Energy may share information with other affiliated organizations, such as member distribution cooperatives, employment services, marketing services, or other third-party contractors. Hoosier Energy will only authorize third-parties to use personal information only as necessary to provide contracted services to Hoosier Energy. Hoosier Energy will not otherwise sell, trade, or transfer personal information.