It’s crucial to make the right decisions, today and in the future

As responsible stewards of the environment, Hoosier Energy uses careful thought and execution when making decisions relating to energy production and conservation. We’re committed to protecting natural resources and the environment. We do this by investing in low- and zero-emissions generation and by supporting environmental conservation and research. We also engage with environmental and government agencies and local stakeholders.

Reducing Our Environmental Footprint

Across the world, organizations are looking more closely at their commitments to sustainability. Hoosier Energy is no different. Renewable energy and environmental conservation play a key role in our mission and core values, as well as our long-term strategy and risk mitigation efforts.

Hoosier Energy has reduced carbon emissions by over 38% since 2005. While doing so, we’ve continued providing affordable and reliable energy to our members and their communities. These reductions are directly attributable to the gradual and measured transition of our generation mix to more diverse and economic resources.

Safely Managing Hazardous Materials

Hoosier Energy’s environmental services department oversees all aspects of hazardous waste, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program and the U.S. Department of Transportation HAZMAT requirements. The department conducts annual training for staff, annual report disclosure, on-site audits, spill response and mitigation.

Water resources are critical to all organizations, and Hoosier is no different. Water is essential to the reliable operation of our generation resources. We’re committed to responsible water management, conservation and compliance with all regulations on the local, state and federal level.

Biodiversity and Hoosier Energy

Habitat and wildlife protection is central to our environmental stewardship efforts. When planning operation or transmission facility development, we do everything it takes to understand local ecosystems and how we can ensure its preservation. This includes carefully considering the presence of any sensitive or endangered species, in addition to local wetlands, significant wildlife corridors and other essential ecological areas.

We’re proud to be a recent recipient of a Certificate of Inclusion for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) for the monarch butterfly, an iconic species in North America. This commitment focuses on vegetation management and how the practice can encourage habitat maintenance and development. We recognize that the steps we take to preserve local species will make a meaningful impact on local ecology for decades to come.

Sustainable and Reliable

Reliable and resilient transmission is key to Hoosier Energy’s operations. We take advantage of all tools and technology available to improve upon our reliability metrics. As the communities we serve grow, so too does Hoosier’s responsibility to maintain and expand our transmission system. We’re committed to doing so reliably and sustainably.


Having trouble viewing any of these postings?


Contact Angie Lee, Manager of Environmental Services at




Applicability Report                                                                       Location Restrictions                              

Ratts CCR Surface Impoundment Applicability Report            Not applicable at this time


Operating Criteria                                                                            Design Criteria             

Ratts Fugitive Dust Control Plan                                                    Not applicable at this time

Ratts Initial Professsional Engineer Inspection Report 2025



Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action                     Closure and Post-closure Care

Not applicable at this time                                                          Not applicable at this time


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