Transmission Line Rebuild

Project Overview

The Hoosier Energy Wilbur to Mooresville 69kV reliability project includes rebuilding 2.2 miles of overhead transmission line and upgrading switches.

The project is critical to improve the reliability of the transmission grid – the backbone of the electric system. The improvements will lessen the frequency and duration of power outages to SCI REMC members who receive power around Wilbur, Monrovia and Mooresville areas from Hoosier Energy supply. The line rebuild will also support future load growth in the area.

Mooresville to Wilbur


Project Notification Letters: July 2023
Pre-Construction (survey, real estate, design, permitting, materials): Summer 2023 – Summer 2024
Construction (vegetation, access, line construction): Fall-Winter 2024
Restoration and Project Close: Late 2024 – Spring 2025

*Dates are subject to change

Project Design

The rebuilt transmission line will be supported by steel poles. Final design will determine height, but the structures will typically range from 70 to 100 feet above ground. The work will primarily take place within existing easements, but supplemental or new easement rights may be needed in some areas.

Hoosier Energy Overview

Founded in 1949, Hoosier Energy is a generation and transmission cooperative (G&T) with headquarters in Bloomington, Indiana.

The G&T provides electric power and services to 17 member distribution cooperatives in central and southern Indiana and southeastern Illinois. We are a community-focused organization that works to efficiently deliver affordable, reliable and safe energy.

Hoosier Energy & South Central Indiana REMC

South Central Indiana (SCI) REMC is one of 17 electric cooperatives that own, govern, and purchase wholesale power from Hoosier Energy. SCI REMC was established in 1939 and is the largest rural electric cooperative in Indiana. Electric cooperatives were organized by people living in rural areas who banded together to supply electricity to their own homes, where investor-owned utilities refused to go (and still do). SCI REMC is owned and operated by the 29,000 members it serves across seven counties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Electricity is part of our everyday lives and a product we rely on with an expectation of uninterrupted service. The existing electric delivery infrastructure has been in place for quite some time and is approaching an age where it must be updated and rebuilt. Upgrading assets, such as this line, ensures reliability and resiliency and accommodates for future technologies.

Considerable improvements in outage duration and frequency are expected, with Hoosier Energy being able to quickly isolate storm outages and restore customer service.

Hoosier Energy mailed project notification letters to impacted properties in July 2023. Pre-construction activities began shortly afterwards, including surveying, real estate, engineering, permitting and ordering materials. Those activities are ongoing.

Vegetation and access work will begin this October. Line construction will follow, with anticipated completion by end of 2024.

Hoosier Energy employees and approved contractors and consultants will be on-site. They will be easily identifiable by their credentials and materials. You will be contacted if your property is part of the project.

Hoosier Energy Real Estate specialists, employees or their consultants and contractors, will be reaching out to landowners should an easement be necessary on your property.

An easement is a legal agreement that gives utilities the right to use (not own) specific portions of land for certain purposes. Easements are recorded on the property deed and remain in effect after properties are sold or transferred to a new owner.

Easement area widths for this project are expected to be 100 feet, however roadside areas could be less.

Hoosier Energy will need to trim or remove trees and vegetation to prevent contact or interference with line operations. This will allow access for ongoing maintenance and outage restoration, as well as provide a visual opening for regular aerial patrols. Vegetation specialists will be reaching out to landowners as needed.

The new poles are constructed of steel single poles. Height of the poles will be determined with final design, but they are typically 70 to 100 feet above ground. Steel poles are found to be more reliable than their wood counterparts and typically require less maintenance.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) with transmission lines are low frequency and have not been found to be linked to adverse health conditions.

Although environmental factors were thoroughly considered during the project analysis, Hoosier Energy will continue to survey and investigate during various stages of the project to minimize impacts, comply with regulations, and protect the environment throughout construction and long-term operations and maintenance. Hoosier Energy will ensure any disturbance is minimized, stabilized and restored throughout the construction process.

Typical work hours will be during daylight but will also be weather dependent. Stringing conductor may require additional hours. Crews will access the structures multiple times throughout construction.

Hoosier Energy and their contractors will work with property owners to ensure safe access to their property. Hoosier Energy construction representatives will be available to discuss. Traffic control companies will be utilized as needed for safe roadway access.

Have Additional Questions?