Hoosier Energy has a dedicated Economic Development team committed to building relationships with businesses and organizations who are looking to expand. Our team has intimate knowledge of the communities we serve and can help your organization find the solutions you need. We’re committed to bringing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to the businesses we serve.
Site Selection & Buildings
The right location is key to successful operations and long-term growth. We offer an abundance of sites and buildings across Indiana and Illinois, from industrial and mixed-use sites to greenfield and shovel-ready properties.
Doing Business Here
With a tax-friendly business climate, skilled workforce and affordable cost of living, Hoosier Energy’s service territory is the ideal environment for growth. Our service territory also offers some of the best transportation infrastructure available nationwide.
Target Industries
While we provide energy to a wide range of businesses, our region is home to five primary industries: advanced manufacturing, agriculture, automotive, logistics and plastics. See how our services are optimized for these industries.
Meet Our Team
We offer a dedicated team of experts who are well-versed on everything our region has to offer. Our team works hand in hand with businesses of all sizes and provides the expertise required to achieve growth.

Harold Gutzwiller

Jeremy Sowders

Jeff Pipkin
As a cooperative, our organization is built on a foundation of partnership and collaboration. See what we’re doing to safeguard our commitment to delivering reliable power, transparent pricing and access to sustainable energy for our business community.
Additional Economic Development Resources
Above all else, our Economic Development team is here to ensure your business finds the resources and information you need to establish or expand operations in our service territory. See how we can help.

Search through our database for available sites and buildings in our service area

Use our tax abatement calculator to estimate your potential tax savings.

Our team offers a wide range of tools and resources designed to help businesses expand operations.

We maintain partnerships with local and regional economic development organizations across our region.